Want To Organise Any Event ?

Tayyarah team will take up all challenges to organise your next event. We know that planning any business event tedious process where you need lot more things to be done perfectly.
Let Tayyarah come into the picture,our global network of field experts is dedicated to add more value to your meetings and events.
We're here to connect your folks, whether it's a 10-person meeting or a 10,000 person global event

Events and meetings

Tayyarah will handle every bit of responsibility of the event, you just say what you require and we do all the work.
Business meetings can be a hassle and sometimes an important event which affects your career, so we will keep you updated and a timely report will be sent to you, so you are not in jeopardy.
Tayyarah also researches for your next planned event and creates the on-brand experience you've envisioned, from small, private meetings to integrated conferences.

Conferencing On a worldwide scale?

Business conferences hold the power of where your company might stand in future.
Tayyarah brings your ideas to life in a way that is on par with your brand. Our staff is your conferencing secret weapon, from the initial procurement of venues, accommodations, and suppliers through the execution of the session itself and the post-event debriefing.

Management of group travel

Managing a group's travel requirements is one of the difficult and time taking process, so let Tayyarah do it.    We do not invade your privacy, we abide by the travel policy so you can be at ease and trust us.
Our business group travel management also helps to book accommodations, plan meals, give 24-hour support, and ensures that everyone arrives on time for your event.

Choosing Right location

High prices are only one aspect of choosing the ideal location for your event, but when you are backed by enough people and research, this can be easily managed in no time.

We're here to minimise location issues and build the location of your dreams that fulfils all of your criteria, thanks to cutting-edge tech and a team of professionals.

Events after post Covid Era

Covid had taught us well enough that distance can't hold us back. We will connect & see each other as and when its needed. Welcome to a new digital world, where we have already adopted best of the technologies to make sure you don't miss even a single person.
There has been a surge of digital event hosting information as a result of this virtual connection. We will make sure to connect you ALL!